Welcome to Herp Fauna Foundation Uganda!

Herp Fauna is a multi-facetted organisation, whose aim is to improve the lives of Ugandan people and conserve its natural areas. We do this through our various educational programs such as kids camps, school workshops, snake handling courses and herping tours!

Uganda is blessed with beautiful and unique wildlife and we believe that humans and wildlife can coexist and thrive together! Education is the key!

What We Offer

  • Kids at reptile camp

    Kids Camps

    Each program consists of its own weekly theme and activities, so your child has something new to anticipate with each week.

  • Puff Adder Herping Tours Uganda

    Herping Tours

    Join us on a custom-made herping trip, through some of Uganda’s most scenic natural area’s. Enjoy the landscapes and culture as we travel to some of the best herping hot-spots in Uganda!

    Let us do all the work! Accommodation, meals, transportation will be taken care of!

  • Snake handling courses

    Venomous Snake Handling Courses

    We offer venomous snake handling courses for private individuals or companies

  • School Visits reptile education

    School Visits

    Our programs are curated to educate school-aged children about Uganda’s native Reptile species, snake safety and awareness and wildlife conservation!

Action Led Advocacy for Humanity and Wildlife

We advocate for both humanity and for Ugandas wildlife! Our research initiatives and educational reptile programs will improve the lives of people and wildlife across the country. Spreading awareness of snakebite prevention and first aid. Anti-venom and symptomatic hospital treatment are the only proven methods of treating venomous snake bites and Herp Fauna has future plans to contribute to anti-venom production in Uganda!

Snake Safety Education

Educational programs, designed to protect communities by educating about snake identification, snake bite first-aid and snake removal procedures.

Snake bite is one of the most significant health hazards to people living in rural areas of Eastern Africa. We empower local communities with the knowledge to help keep them safe from snake bite and effectively treat snake bites, when they do occur.