With a mix of recreation, environmental conservation can be fun!

By Ivan Kaddu

Conservation education and environmental awareness work doesn’t have to be boring. It does not have to be lecturers on statistics and reports. Gloomy videos and pictures of a dying planet and wildlife in the process of extinction. It can be a simple nature walk for you to appreciate what we will lose if we do not work together to protect our environment. It could also be a fun family day out planting trees or going to the zoo or game park.

For three months now, Herp Fauna Foundation and Dancing Cup, Bugolobi in Kampala, have been holding themed events tailored towards protecting our environment. Using a mix of trivia and quizzes, guests compete in groups on a wide range of topics.

The evening begins with a short show-and-tell session on the role a specific wildlife plays in our ecosystem. This is the conservation bit. The learning session is interactive and fun. This is usually handled by an expert. So you get to rub shoulders with knowledgeable people who know their stuff. Last Wednesday’s event was no different. It focused on reptiles and the myths around them.

A guest musters up the courage to handle a friendly and harmless, Brown House Snake!

The second session is the four-round trivia session comprising of among others, Pictionary, general knowledge, quick fire, music round and challenges. The questions are not necessarily about the day’s topic, but guests have been known to weave it into their skits to catch the judges’ eye. After every round, groups are given points which will add up to a win at the end. There are no losers here, its all fun and games!

What is fun without good food? Every ticket comes with a meal. The menus are tailored differently for every event. The idea is to sample different cuisines, so the foodie in you is not left out. Even the vegetarian is catered for and of course, the bar is well stocked. The evening ends with an open sessions where guests chat, make connections and network.

Guests enjoying their dinner!

Stay tuned for the next event!


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