East African Snakebite Conference!

Herp Fauna’s found and president, Mukasa Emmanuel recently had the privilege of attending the East African Snakebite Conference in Watamu Kenya!

This amazing conference brought professional herpetologists, conservationists and other members of the public together, to discuss their discovers and concerns around the issue of snake bites in Africa and the need to conserve/protect the remaining natural areas.

It is so important for us to come together in-person, to discuss these matters and try to figure out how to move forward with addressing these issues! Mukasa delivered a well-received presentation regarding the impacts that habitat destruction/degradation within Uganda has had on our native reptile populations!

Between the fascinating talks and presentations, Mukasa had the valuable opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and share each others new discoveries. Many promising conversations were had, regarding possible future partnerships/engagements which would help the growth of Herp Fauna’s programs!

Great job Emmy! Wish we could have all been there with you!


With a mix of recreation, environmental conservation can be fun!